Gold Mine Development and Exploration in Nevada
The GOLDUSA token is an innovative, patent pending and ChainDelivery™ trademarked security token which is asset-backed by Gold. It differs from the old wave of utility crypto-tokens in the following ways:
This means that it is compliant with stringent transparency and securities regulations for publicly listed companies and offers investors far greater rights, protections and expectations while also clarifying the duties and obligations of the issuer of the tokens.
GOLD ASSET-BACKED. Traditional crypto-currencies like Bitcoin (BTC) have no price floor. Since they are not asset-backed they are extremely volatile and can fall significantly in value. In contrast, GOLDUSA is a Gold asset-backed token which means that the value of the GOLDUSA token should not fall below the value of the spot price of Gold. If the price of the GOLDUSA token does fall way below the value of spot price of Gold, then the token-buyer has the option to elect physical delivery of the Gold, in accordance with the redemption terms.
Other Gold-backed ICOs are offering Gold-backed tokens at the spot price of Gold or at a premium. GOLDUSA tokens are being offered to accredited investors at a large discount to the spot price of Gold. INNOVATIVE & FIRST TO MARKET. With patents pending through the Patent Treaty Organization (Comprises 152 countries in the World) the GOLDUSA token is well-poised to be the first ever Gold-backed security token employing a royalty streaming financing technique that is completely new to the crypto and block chain world. GOLDUSA is essentially the first to market with this model.
For the first time, investors can have a North American publicly listed company as counter party for an asset-backed crypto-currency. This means that potential investors are in a far better position to make informed decisions based on the
transparent reports and assessments that are made publicly available. Furthermore, GOLDUSA tokens will be backed by Gold produced from publicly listed mining companies in politically and economically stable countries, such as Canada and the USA.
FLEXIBILITY & OPTIONS FOR CONVERSION – GOLDUSA token-holders can use the token in 3 ways:
1. Be deployed on the Ethereum block chain and can be traded on secondary exchanges (while the Ethereum technology allows for such trades or exchanges, the Company will not sponsor the listing for trading on a public exchange and it is up to the token holder to arrange for its own trades), which accept GOLDUSA security tokens.
2. Each 2000 GOLDUSA Tokens can be redeemed for one 10-ounce Gold bar having a fineness of 99.99% which are London Bullion Market Association (“LBMA”) good delivery certified, in accordance with the redemption terms.
3. Held as a security token with a perpetual future call on Gold delivery that will never expire or be cancelled, except after delivery of physical against the token.