Windmine aims to build a state of the art wind park facility near Baltic sea. The wind park will run 15 latest tech wind turbines with a total capacity of 60 MW. Funds will be raised by issuing debt bonds on the blockchain.
Believe it or not, the energy generated from fossils-fuels fulfills 80% of your current energy needs, which includes sources like coal, oil, and gas. This situation has been causing fear among many that we will run out of energy and it can lead to devastating consequences for the global economy. With all this energy production, we are poisoning our air, land and waters. It is clear that this kind of energy production is not sustainable and healthy in the long run, so governments and companies all around the globe are getting heavily involved with renewable energy.
WindMine has every needed piece to start the development of wind park. Team has already developed valid tech designs and projects for substation and wind park. We have received environmental impact assessment, land lease agreement and valid building permit to start building.
Project has unbeatable superstar location – close to industrial zone that supplies with development opportunities and open turbine formation towards main wind currents heading from the sea which brings all main characteristics close to an offshore park performance stats, but with an onshore park building expenses.
The team behind WindMine, has taken an innovative approach to funding the project, via STO (Security Token Offering) and a token issued on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Token issuing is registered at FMA Liechtenstein making it secure digital asset ensuring protection of token holder interests to the highest existing standards.
Please let us know if you have any questions and inquiries. We will be happy to chat about renewable energy and security tokens on our networks:
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