Stablecoins give financial freedom to every user, they are not controlled by any governments or central institutions, they are scalable, effective, and transparent. Platinum Q DAO team believes that USDQ, KRWQ, and coming stablecoins attached to the Q DAO ecosystem will take a leading position in the crypto industry as a golden standard of stable coins.
IEO period:
Each token sale round will take place on the first of every month at 17:00 KST (08:00 UTC) time from 01.06.19 till 01.03.20. The first round has finished at the beginning of this month with over 15000 Q DAO coins sold! That is one of the best results since the last bull run of 2019!
The price of the Q DAO token for each round is set as follows: this is the arithmetic average of the Q DAO token trade across all exchanges over the past two weeks.
About Q DAO Ecosystem:
The Q DAO Ecosystem comprises two coins: Q DAO and stablecoins family USDQ, KRWQ and others.
1. Q DAO: the creation of Q DAO was factored to govern the ecosystem and to pay fees inside the ecosystem. Q DAO is a cryptocurrency inside a smart contract ecosystem that works with USDQ, KRWQ, CNYQ, JPYQ and other coins. They all look to become a hedge ecosystem that helps traders keep stability in reference to other coins currently on the market.
2. USDQ, KRWQ, JPYQ and others are a decentralized stablecoins backed by bitcoin. They function by using algorithms and are pegged to USD or appropriate national currency, that is USDQ 1 = USD 1, KRWQ 1 = KRW 1 , etc.
The problem solving:
The main problem to solve is reducing the volatility crypto trades face, and that’s exactly what USDQ and other Q DAO family stablecoins do. Each and every single stablecoin is backed with an amount of BTC safely stored with wallets which are connected to the smart contract ecosystem. Users can set long positions on USDQ and keep those funds stable without worrying about losing their money through the swings of the crypto market.
Medium by platinum-fund
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